
Now .. like I am not aware of all the things that are out to get me. From my Clan to assassins. I know all too well .. it comes at me in life and in my dreams. But something got to me.
This doll had a red bloody spot right over his heart. Now that is something that is not common knowledge. Something I have not made obvious or told many of. It made me listen a little more to the warning than I probably would have without it.
Still .. not much I can do with a warning. At least any more than I all ready am. I will not live in fear of death. Any of them. If someone has a different death in mind for me? .. figures. They need to get in line.
Now that wounded little grass heart also made me damned protective of the little guy. He was me .. you see. Of course I was. And he does not like to be poked .. at all. Even a little. Makes him irritable. He likes his space.
Just like me.
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