Taste the .. Rainbow?

I told her it was just things in my life I was trying to untangle and understand. She offered me a willing ear if I wanted to talk. That sometimes that helps. I told her it helped if that someone with the listening ear was objective.
There was no malice or spite in my tone .. no bitterness. Simply a statement of fact and logic according to .. me. And I told her she was not that someone.
She asked me how I knew. Well .. I thought that would have been obvious. I reminded her .. she told me.
She said .. yes she had told me of her feelings but that did not stop her from being an objective listener.
Surely she jests.
I informed Kaioba I had yet to meet a woman who could be an objective listener. She got "that look" and told me there were a few of them around. I told her she was full of boskshit. Show me an objective woman and I will show you a woman who cares nothing about the subject matter. And women never talk about something they do not care about .. so by all logic ... it just did not exist.
She said just because she cared about a subject did not mean she could not be objective. I said .. yes it did. That I had tested it more often than she ever had and .. low and behold she was all ready not objective and we had not even started yet.
She was reduced to calling me names ... which I was much more comfortable with than her attempting to be objective.
Now men .. I said ... men can be objective.
She choked on what she was drinking. She asked me .. how men could be objective but not women.
I replied .. women get irritated with our objectivity all the time ... our ability to talk about a subject and not consider your feelings at all. It is a comfort .. I continued ... to sometimes talk to someone who can offer their opinion without giving two bosk chips about it either way. It really would be convenient if for a few moments a woman could think like a man. Some real communication could take place .. and then they could go back to being all female.
She queried .. so women need men for their objectivity and men need women to keep them warm?
And I replied .. I keep warm enough on my own .. thank you ... what I need from a woman is something else entirely. As for what women want from men I have no idea what drives them all and if I did I would be one step closer to untangling my threads.
She asked me .. what I wanted from a woman.
My response .. understanding.
She asked me then .. if I did not feel that I got such from women.
And I said .. of course .... no.
Does this thus mean I am gay? Bound to seek other men to lay with for my own comfort? Singing the praises of men and maligning women in general?
Let it not be so.
As I have so plainly and clearly stated men are selfish ..egotistical and arrogant and there is really only room for one of us in the furs.
When you couple the femininity of a woman with understanding there is no greater force to recon with .. nothing more beautiful .. nothing more giving ... nothing more pleasing or satisfying to a man.
This man anyway.
And that .. is why I do not taste the rainbow.
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