Give Me Your .. Last Breath

I did not now who she was .. but I still feel like I must give her an identity. For though I do not know .. who she was ... I know she was. I was there.
She was sick. I could tell. It took no Spex to know this .. she moved with it. Breathed with it.
She brushed cool fingers over my brow .. and I felt the first taste of breath in my lungs.
Thank you.
She bathed my bare chest with her long dark hair wet with scented water .. water scented like tiny flowers. Like tiny plains flowers. How clean and simple that. How it eased the weight crushing me.
Thank you.
She watched me breathe. But I still could not move .. or speak. So she stood and slipped free of the soft colored fabric that wrapped around her slender form like a shroud meant to enhance .. not hide what was beneath. Her body was pale and perfect like porcelain. Fragile like a doll. Cool like a soothing plains rain. Her mouth .. nipples and sex were pink .. like a boy's dream. She laid over me .. allowing the heat that raged within me to be soaked up and away from my tortured flesh. Respite. I could feel.. hear ... move.
Thank you.
I rolled away from her .. it was my chance to escape .. to get out ... to use the window .. but a lingering touch of cold fingers on my wrist and hand gave me pause and I turned to look back at her .. and I realized she was dying. Now .. here ... and she begged me not to let her die alone. With panic in my soul and heart I looked around at the walls .. how they kept closing in about me and .. yet ... how could I leave her here like this? After all she had done?
So I crouched beside her .. and she told me a story. A story of mists and time. A story of heroes and salvation. Of hope and of faith. And I let everything she told me bathe my face .. stimulate my scars. And when she was ready .. to go ... she offered me her last breath. And when I took it into me .. inside of me. I could speak.
Thank you.
As the light left her eyes .. and the pink faded from her lips ... the walls melted from around me and I felt the first plains breeze tease my skin and I knew I was home.
Thank you.
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