Master! You Have to Help ..

She seems to be such an emotional beast. Highs and lows. She seems to want to be at my feet so badly .. to be near me. But she still has no idea what she wants from me. It is still all about her ... and all about what she wants to serve me with. Now I will let a slave serve me .. and she does. But for the rest of it? She has a lot to figure out.
She needed my attention today .. told me I needed to help someone in the Tribe. I asked her who ... she let me know it was a private sort of conversation. I was all ready a little exasperated with her .. but I would never turn away from one of the Tribe members needing my help so I stepped aside from the fires with her.
She told me that Sahli needed my help desperately. I replied that if that was so I was sure Sahli would let me know. She said no .. he would not ... that he would be too embarrassed.
So. I am supposed to go to him and ask about something that is that embarrassing? Obviously letting him know that someone spoke about this great embarrassing thing with me? And he may not want me to know enough to tell me but I know anyway so surprise here I am to help? You know .. for a slave blue does not know men very well at all.
So I asked her .. masochistic tendency and all ... what could be so important.
Then she told me.
Oh hell no.
Had she lost her little blue brain? Had she fallen off the edge of sanity? Was she aware of the gender of the person she was speaking to .. and then ... on top of that. It was me.
Oh hell no.
I told her if a guy wanted a guy to help him with shit like that he better not have me in mind. I do not ... do that. And she better get that through her head right now. Come on .. if Sahli told her I just imagine he shared it with HER for a reason. And if blue could not handle it .. I just imagine raven or sleen would be more than happy to sooth a little around the edges.
Well that twisted her chatka all up and she got pissed. So ... blue is a competitive little bitch I see. Good ... either she needed to get it done or she needed to step aside for someone who could and would.
At least I saw something more than pining out of blue. At least I saw her get possessive over her service to Sahli. She showed a spark of life that made her camp collar glisten a little.
However blue copped an attitude with me .. which was a mistake and I dismissed her to have her little temper somewhere else. That is a bit of blue I find tedious and irritating.
Blue needs to consider the feelings of others a little .. before she speaks. Sometimes in her hurry to help or serve she misses the big picture of how her words can sound and feel when she has not put enough thought into them. Unfortunately people do not know how to tell her this and they end up shaking their fingers at her for obvious and erroneous reasons that just give her the idea they are narrow minded and jealous ... and so she dismisses their thoughts as ludicrous and without value. There are ways of getting what you need done .. without barging through to the goal. Finesse .. I think if I could teach blue one thing ... it would be finesse.
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