Elemental Mirror

It is advised .. never dictated ... that a man should take a mate from within his own clan. It will add a harmony to things that two different Clans in the same wagon can throw off. It is certainly not impossible to live together without this. And two people from the same Clan are not always the best combination. It is just a tiny straw that coupled with many others can add up to or subtract from peace.
I feel rather strongly about raising my children in my Clan. What if my mate feels the same way .. about her Clan? What will that mean between us? How will we problem solve that? And I certainly can not imagine my child being allowed any other Clan but one of his parent's. Of course I say that and I have never had a child. Nor had my offspring show the talents and gifts of another Clan .. nor faced his own happiness as it rests within my grasp. In other words .. that is how I feel while never having faced the situation. So I do not know.
Falon came to me .. many years ago ... with dreams she had. I suspected then her dreams were more than simply reordering her thoughts of the day. Did she not have the blood of Haruspex within her? I urged her to pursue it. To speak to her mother. To push a little .. for it seemed that Falon while living with dwellers had never gotten the opportunity to choose a Clan.
I do not know what all happened between Falon and Tarra. I do not know why Falon chose the Clan of Healers. I had done what I felt was right and the rest was none of my business.
Falon came to me with another dream. This one was more obvious in content and intent. This time the elements and calling left me with little doubt. Why would she suppress her gifts? Why would her mother not see it? I urged Falon once more to speak to her mother. To ask her to interpret the dream. It is not my place to explain anything to Falon. Not as her friend .. not as a Haruspex ... and not as the Ubar. Perhaps if Falon could find herself within the Elemental Mirror .. perhaps she would feel more comfortable in her own skin and face her Destiny with more confidence in herself and who she is. I do not know if Falon was destined to be a Haruspex or if Falon was destined to be a Healer. What I do know is that Falon needs to find the mirror and take a good look. I hope her mother leads her to it .. if not I will do what I can to get one of the Elders to help Falon find the mirror.
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