A Little bit of Soap

When T'zuri returned and apologized .. and after we got that little part about how much weight Arigh actually did carry for what she had done .. I told T'zuri to come along with me and we strolled on over to a water barrel. She asked me what the soap was for.
I replied .. your mouth.
She feigned innocence. I told her she still had the F and the U stuck in her teeth. She fumed at me and said she never said that .. I assured her that actually she had .. quite clearly too .. might have been a few others but I did catch that one. Besides she was still sporting the evidence in her teeth.
She asked me if I expected her to actually wash her mouth out with soap. I said yes .. unless she wanted me to see that F and U every time I looked at her pretty little features. Quiet a blemish to be sure .. but if she really wished to be seen that way ....
She quickly assured me she did not. Wise woman.
I handed her the little jar.
She brushed her teeth gagging and gucking and squawking the entire time. I told her .. let me see.
She did.
I informed her that she had gotten the F but the U was still stuck .. right ... there. That she better do it again ... really good this time so we did not have to redo it a third.
She balked about it .. knowing now how bad it was going to be. I told her I would be more than happy to assist. She declined.
The second time was much better .. as if she knew at this point we could sit here all night. Kudos to her she did not puke anything up .. but she sure did a lot of spitting. I said .. let me see again.
She showed me her pearly whites like a good good girl. I was satisfied and told her well done and took back the little jar of soap.
I was not sure if T'zuri would forgive me for that one. I mean .. I gave her choices ... but that does not always count with women.
I called across the fires for her to blow a bubble .. so she blew me a soap bubble kiss.
Now that girl has got some spirit. If she can still dish it out to me after all that? Right the fuck on.
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