I Really hate ... Loose Ends

And so it was I decided to hunt down the illusive Year Keeper and see just what was up there. Not only in regards to T'zuri but he never came around the First Fires when I was there. It was time to find out why. It was time to see this man for myself instead of hearing all the little whispers about how big and bad and terrible he was.
I am not a man who will suffer something looming over my shoulder. There were some loose ends with T'zuri and the Year Keeper and I meant to tie them up ... all nice and tight.
It was not hard to follow the shock waves to the epicenter of Kazhuye. Or I should say to his wagons .. the origin of his forays into the Harigga where his effect on people rippled far beyond his physical presence.
The man was not as imposing as people would lead me to believe. And he did not realize I was the Ubar either. Which worked fine for me. I do not look like an Ubar. I do not dress like an Ubar. I do not present myself like an Ubar. I never have.
I told him I had come to speak to him of the Singer known by the name of T'zuri. He said T'zuri was not there. I had to smirk. I told him I knew that .. but I had not come to find her but to speak OF her. He asked me if I was drinking. I said yes .. actually I was.
So we shared a bota of paga.
He said he figured T'zuri for moving up to the First Wagons. Then said should I not be speaking to the girl's guardian.
I said yes .. I was aware she was up at the First Wagons. That I was of a bit of second hand knowledge that he had been spending a lot of time with the Singer. That no I was not of the girl's blood but I did have some rights to ask of her for since her father's death I had taken an interest in her well being.
He said she had been around and that he believed that Necessity .. the kaiila ... had ate her pet.
I nodded and said that despite the challenge to my male perceptions by this dire event .. that it was not in fact the reason I was there. I asked him if he had an interest in the Singer .. enough of an interest to perhaps speak of her bride price.
He asked me what I supposed her guardian was asking?
I said I was in a good position to know however my supposition was not worth the synapse power it took to form if he were not indeed interested in the bride price. That I being the curious fellow I was .. one also interested in her well being ... was finding myself curious as to his intentions towards the Singer.
He said she was a pretty gal and if she did not hate him he might be inclined to .. you know.
But I did not know .. and I wanted to know. So I said interested in .. fucking her?
He grinned at me. Not that .. she is my friend I respect her kind of grin either. But he salvaged himself with an admittance he had actually meant "courting" her.
Ah .. this was interesting indeed. So I asked .. being the bastard I am ... So Kazhuye .. what if I told you that I could provide a clear field to the girl without interference from anyone else who might seek her bride price .. would you be interested?
He answered simply ... yes.
So .. I asked ... how long do you think you might need? I would need an estimation only of course .. considering that even as a Spex I would not presume to jest or assume with matters of the heart.
He said he reckoned as long as it took to find another frevet.
I replied that this far North with all the settlements .. it should not be too hard for a man of proper motivation. I told him he would have the time he would need .. to consider himself the only prospect for the girl's bride price until such a time as it was deemed another course of action was necessary.
He said he figured he would have to get around to speaking to her guardian sooner or later.
The smirk was there in my voice as I prepared to leave and I said .. Kazhuye ... unless you have another reason for speaking to the Ubar ... I would not worry too much about doing that until your interests are secured with the girl.
I hear he is a real prick about loose ends.
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