
Now I have a lot of personal opinions about the carelessness with which Saresh and Mayala handled their affair but at no time have I felt so personally insulted that I had any desire to publicly humiliate either one of them .. or make what they were struggling to get right ... wrong.
Both of them could have made some better choices but fuck .. who can not say that? Especially me? I am far .. far from perfect especially when it comes to women. There is a lot of flirting .. kissing ... teasing and such that I have no issue with between unmated men and women. They are adults and not children. But the spending the night in the wagon thing ... I could not pretend I was all right with. Mayala is just very fortunate that it was her intended mate she got it all mixed up with.
When Saresh presented me with the bride price I accepted it enough to seal the deal but then I gave it back to him as a gift. I could not accept the bride price for something I no longer considered tradable but I was also not going to make what he had struggled to do smaller than was necessary. Why?
Because I can.
There are natural consequences and then there is just being destructive. I felt comfortable .. my point had been made. The rest was not important. This was about their moment and their happiness and what they had found together.
And that called for a celebration.
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