I just want something to go right for a change. I just want a real answer instead of getting shafted over and over and sent on bullshit errands that get me nothing but pasangs under my belt. Pasangs that are taking me further away from my goal and not closer.
Cosmic white noise. Head cluttered. It was just barely that I heard my name. Almost tangible enough to reach out and connect ... but not quite. Perhaps it was irritation and frustration on every level .. especially with everyone of my own Clan. There was not one I did not feel the urge to strangle .. even Tarra. If she had just done what I asked of her.
There was very little use crying over spilled milk. I had done it alone before and I could do it alone again. With the same attitude I had blown off the last few lessons Oren had meant to teach me I picked up my shit and stepped on.
With this much static in my head who ever was trying to reach me better get a bigger drum .. because this boy was lost inside some serious brain hemorrhaging.
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