Growth .. Disappointment ... Daily Life

The kind of life where you step into the stream and find out it is neck deep and going so fast you barely have enough time to grab a breath before you are swept away .. far away from everything you were around before.
There has been an explosion of growth around the First Wagons. Several new prospects I have not even met yet. One of them even Jai's son .. returned from the lands of the dwellers. It is a time for celebration for such things. Though I find myself not exactly in the mood for festivities I can certainly understand that some should be and are so.
There was only one shadowed moment for me and that was when I found out that Garyx and Tarra had left for the dweller's lands without speaking to me as I had asked. No word was even left .. which would have been acceptable even if not what I had requested of them. I was displeased that Garyx did not contact me in regards to his command and the things he had put into place for his men before he left. I was displeased that Tarra did not keep her word to me .. word given over the Fire.
But it was a small shadow compared to the rest of the life that was bursting and blooming all over the Harigga. Just the influx of the prospects was enough to jump start a lot of conversations and good natured teasing. There was Jai's son .. whom I have mentioned. A man named Seth .. one of Silken's guards who wishes to earn his place among the First Wagons. A man named Nissjen whom I had yet to meet but I had heard he was old blood around the camp. There was a new leather worker by name of Jaella who was all ready starting to make herself known by good trades among those of the Fires. With all the new faces and new life going on it was hard to get lost in my same old problems. It was hard to even ponder them ... save in the night hours when I rode with the herd and the darkness allowed my thoughts to bubble to the surface without a lot to interrupt it. Only then did the rush ebb for a few moments ... only then did I ponder over the white feather and how it was meant to help me.
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