
Darkness came and surrounded me ... not darkness that most people are used to. Not the lack of light .. but the kind of darkness that ambushes light and assassinates it. I could smell the stench of rotting light all around me ... faint outlines of light as it faded with a sigh like a death rattle and was no more. The slaughter continued until there was nothing left to remind me that light had even ever existed beyond some kind of dream .. a dream of something that I only wished could exist. Not the kind of dream where I remembered that it did.
So I sat with darkness .. my old friend ... and I waited to see what darkness had to say to me for surely I had been summoned here to listen. And darkness came .. still dripping with the ichor stain of light ... and darkness crawled inside of me. I listened as darkness spoke. Darkness was in good spirits for darkness had a full gullet. I took the words of darkness .. as I always did ... and pondered them long after darkness curled up within me to nap .. sleeping off the food coma that all the firelight had given. I am not sure how long I sat there within the burning forest but I finally stood. Since there was no longer any light from the fire I used the heat to guide my way back out of the forest and along the path of grass. And soon I felt the small hand of the little girl slip within my large callused one.
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