Silken has been acting very different lately. Of course that happens so often the statement begins to be redundant .. even as contradictory as that may appear on the surface content of the statement itself. She is .. happy. Now I have yet to figure out if it is a real kind of happy or if she is not happy and just pretending to be happy in a very big way to fool people into thinking she is actually happy. Silken always does things in a really big way ... so it is hard to tell. I like Silken happy .. she is a prankster and an Elder .. even if she does not act like it all the time. I would prefer she did not .. Elders tend to be dour and sour and prose on and on about the right ways to act and the niceties we usually as Tuchuk attempt to avoid until we get so old that we ... do not. Silken has been up and down the wagon rows a few times and it shows .. she is a little harder .. a little more vulgar than most women but not in a way that I would say crosses the line too far. Or I would have done something about it. But I will say .. have said ... that she does dance on it. The line that is.
She tackled me when I came down to the stream and I was not expecting that. Ever. People rarely invade my personal space and when they do they are pretty damn well careful about how they do it. I have to say usually because today .. there was nothing careful about her impact. I laughed and caught her. Falon asked to speak to me and Silken threatened to ost me. She asked me if I knew what that meant and I told her I threaten to ost women all the time .. however ... I had an inkling that we were not threatening the same thing. So she showed me .. sliding down my leg to wrap herself around it anchoring me to there. I had to laugh. There is a sexual tension between Silken and I .. well on my part even if not on hers. I do not cross that line because to dance with the line will leave me with no resolve to protect the line. I have actually told her this .. though I have no idea if she took me seriously. I grabbed a good handful of her hair and drug her up to bite her ear and tell her I was going to go talk to Falon.
Damn woman.
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