
First Chaos came, and then broad-bosomed Earth,
The everlasting seat of all that is,
And Love. In other words, after Chaos, the Earth and Love, these two, came into being.
T'zuri: Not everything has to have rules.
Fonce: "Yes ... it does - for me anyway"
Falon: "Sometimes Fonce ... it just is and there is no perfect answer for it."
Fonce: "Oh there will be Falon .. or I will not accept it. My choice remember? Love is a choice."
Polunu: "Let me share my philosophy .. I mean, not that I know much about love mind you ... but that's what I call what I do, when I do it .. making sweet, sweet love. But I digress."
Fonce: "Yes Polunu .. share with us."
Falon: "I believe, that love is preserved for that special someone."
Polunu: "Rules just don't go with love .. can't see how they can." Spoke Polunu as he stood by the stream naked and shared with us all his words of wisdom. "Love .. from what I've been told ... is like a river. Feed it too much it swells and overtakes its banks ... feed it too little and it dries up. Feed it just enough and you will find that it flows tried and true. But you can rest assured that it will at some point change course ... you just have to be prepared when it does."
T'zuri: After assuring herself that Polunu was indeed still naked she spoke instead to the plains and that which was beyond. "You cannot overfeed love ... I don't think."
Polunu: "Yes you can. It's called obsession."
T'zuri: "How would you do that? I don't know what that is?"
Polunu: "By forgetting yourself. Obsession is being so caught up in the other party that you forget yourself."
T'zuri: "Obsession doesn't sound so bad. Who doesn't want to be so caught up in someone they forget themselves .. even for but a moment?"
Polunu: "I don't."
T'zuri: "Why not? It's a wonderful feeling."
Polunu: "A wonderful feeling? Well, Singer .. that wonderful feeling has burned down many a wagon in the middle of the night. Forgive me, if I want to keep my distance."
T'zuri: "Did you get out safely or were you charred?"
Polunu: "Trap door. Slipped right out the bottom .. she never even saw me leave. Should of seen her face when they told her I died. Frosty bitch she was."
T'zuri: "You let her think that? Polunu .. you are rotten."
Polunu: "Of course I did."
Blue: "I understand about the rules, I think Master."
Fonce: "Yes blue? What is it that you understand?"
Blue: "That if you love someone, truly love someone you act a certain way. Certain behaviors .. and considerations are there. There are things you don't do if you love someone. And that perhaps there are certain things you need to have, in the first place, to play the game of love."
Fonce: "Do you know anything about love, blue?"
Blue: "I have known various types of love, Master. I have never felt the soul deep kind."
Fonce: "So you are speaking of something you do not know much of then."
Blue: "I may not have experienced it, Master ... but that doesn't mean I don't know it."
Fonce: "So you know love then?"
Blue: "Yes Master, I know love."
Fonce: "So then ... what do you know of it?"
Blue: "I know it is hard, Master .. and messy and painful. I know it is beautiful, and warming, and wonderful. I know it lasts. Or were you looking for my definition of love Master?"
Fonce: "I asked what you knew of it since you said you knew it. I do not know it... you will get no argument from me. I know what I believe of it .. but I will not say that I know it."
Blue: "Yes Master, I have seen it before .. then I guess that is the better answer. I know what I believe of it."
Fonce: "It is why I keep asking people what they believe of it .. I wish to know. And I shall ask everyone who will speak to me about it and then decide which information fits and which does not."
Blue: "I think love is like a color, Master. What I see as blue and what you see as blue may never be the same shade of blue. It comes with seeing the color .. and knowing the color rather than having the color explained to you."
Fonce: "Well .. I am not going to wait to get it all wrong before I figure it out."
T'zuri: "Fonce?"
Fonce: "Yes T'zuri?"
T'zuri "Have you been hunting down the rules and opinions of love this whole time?"
Fonce: "Well ... yes. I am on a quest."
T'zuri: "You seem very serious about it."
Fonce: "Is it not serious?"
Falon: "I think it is very serious. When you find it you cherish it and you hold onto it like there is no tomorrow."
Fonce: "I wish to know it when I find it and not find out it was .. too late."
T'zuri: "That's not what I mean .. I mean .. you .. seem .. very ... serious .... about ... it."
Fonce: "I do not know what you mean T'zuri."
T'zuri: "Well it is supposed to be pleasurable."
Fonce: "I am sure it will be when I figure it out."
T'zuri: "It sounds like you are hunting it and intend to impale it on your lance once found ... wiggling and bleeding."
Fonce: "Well .. yes."
T'zuri: "It worries me."
Fonce: "Why T'zuri? I was not trying to do so. I am not trying to find it. I am trying to understand it so that I know it when I do find it."
T'zuri: "It seems to have consumed you."
Fonce: "No, is not consuming me at all T'zuri .. rest assured."
T'zuri: "Blackwine .. a little laughter .. teasing. Those sorts of things. I miss you being that way a little."
Fonce: "Do you mean I am not good company today, T'zuri?"
T'zuri: "Well, maybe I did say that."
Fonce: "I wish to apologize then T'zuri."
T'zuri: "You have no reason to apologize to me, Fonce."
Fonce: "I think I do .. for not being good company T'zuri. I will attempt not to bother you with it again."
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