
Then I asked what had transpired.
The story I got I could hardly believe. In fact I probably would not have believed it .. had it not come from Falon. Falon who had a reason to make it better than it was and did not. I gathered from those at the fires that Chay had been teasing Polunu and in the process had torn a slave by her hair out of his lap .. then after that had ripped a fur out from under her as she served hot blackwine causing burns to both the slave and to Polunu.
Now I have to give some respect here for Polunu because he handled it so much better than I would have. I am very impressed by his control and lack of temper. This situation speaks for him louder than any other I can think of. Falon told me that Kam had been there and at the last had gotten upset with her. I hope that is the case so that I do not have to get involved. My preference is to stay out of it .. though I will step in if there is any doubt in anyone's mind that this was not to be tolerated at these fires. If a woman is to treat a man in such a fashion with such disrespect .. and the man wishes to allow it ... they can do so somewhere else. I could never tolerate such anywhere around me.
When Polunu returned to the fires with Tarra I apologized to him. That shocked a few. Why would that shock anyone? Was I not in control here? Was I not the Ubar? Were these not my fires as much as they are anyone's? Whose responsibility was it if it were not my own? Anyone who calls this place home .. who participates and partakes in this coming together should apologize. Anyone who sat and watched and did not say anything or found it amusing should apologize. No Chay is not my woman nor am I responsible for her behavior in a personal way. That apology was not mine to offer nor did I. Mine was offered out of respect for another warrior .. a Tuchuk .. my family ... that suffered a grievance he never should have at the First Fires.
I also thanked Falon for looking after blue .. who was not my first concern but I was grateful she saw after my property so that no more damage was felt from a situation that had very little positive motivation behind it.
Now I do not plan to make this a big deal. I am sure those involved are embarrassed enough. But neither do I intend to see this swept under the carpet. I will speak against this act .. this disrespect for one very important reason. Because people need to know how I feel and that I will not be as mature and distantly tolerant of such things as Polunu was.
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