All These Emotions

I have been very careful with T'zuri. Her heart is young and fragile and though she believes I am the man she may in time come to love .. I have no faith in first loves. It will take time to see if her attraction to me is like all the others or if she knows her heart better than most. I do not know her well enough to predict or assume one way or the other. And what of her heart and love if she is correct and I am the man she could come to love? I can not answer that question yet .. I do not know T'zuri very well as I have just stated .. but I can say I sure know her a lot better now.
It started when Kam came to me with a complaint of T'zuri's behavior. She had questioned him as to whether he knew the larl was the same one that attacked her. She wanted to see it for herself. In her emotion and fear of these larls who have taken so much of her family away ... she over reacted and continued to question him after he was done with questions. He felt this called on his identity and integrity as a Hunter. He wished her kept from the First Wagons all together. Now this surprised me. I have never seen Kam so wound up over a woman's questions before. It took me so off guard I had to ask him if he would punish Tarra when Tarra's words questioned my own identity and integrity. He said of course. I must wonder if he realizes how many times that happens. But I did tell him that I appreciated that .. and I do though I usually handle it on my own .. at least he was not a hypocrite. I gave Kam the choice. Either I punished T'zuri and sought to teach her as a prospect should be taught ... or I would not punish her and simply consider this his voice against her becoming part of the First Wagons. He chose to teach. I am pleased he changed his mind for this is the point I have been trying to make with the Tribe and prospects .. if we do not teach them they will never learn.
I do not know why Kam took this so seriously. Or why he could not deal with a girl caught up in emotions and fears. I have never seen him unable to deal with questions and he is usually more patient than I am with prospects and women in general. He is known for his sage advice and wise words. Perhaps something has used up all his patience and wise words .. I do not know. I will wait to see how he is doing before I ask his help with prospects.
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