Once Was Enough

Ina wanted to speak to me about an experience she had while in Chayton's camp. They called her father down from the Sky to ask him of the relationships between him and other women. About who was really whose mother and father. I do not know why these things are important. I have no desire to know either of my parents and would rather forget them and who they were. But I have reason .. without that reason who knows? Perhaps I would seek it as hard as Ina.
Do I believe that because Ina and Oson are first cousins that their children would be tainted? Of course not. Many families do this .. and prefer it. Only if it is done for generations in a row is there a danger. This is why we seek women from other Tribes and from Turia. So that our bloodlines do not always follow one wagon rut. Perhaps their families have a history of it and that is why everyone believes it is dangerous. That is more logical and likely.
Ina asked me if I believed she actually spoke to her father. I told her I had no knowledge to base an opinion off of. That it was her own belief that was important .. not my own. That Ina needed to follow what was right in her heart and mind and be responsible for her choices. That their mating was a life bound and braided together by both Ina and Oson. And no one else.
But the talk with Ina still haunts me a little. Not the talk exactly as what it brought forward in my own memory. It is not so easy to shake off this time.
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