Right Place .. at the Wrong Time

I had been sitting at the stream and on my mind were all the thoughts that I had escaped thinking about ... until then. T'zuri came and said she had been looking for me. She had some questions .. I had a few of my own. I suppose it was my fault for asking some of the ones I did .. but they were things I needed to know about her if I was going to make a good match for her. I hope I learned something from the fiasco with Saresh and Shaningo. Not that the noble quest was the only reason .. there was some genuine curiosity. I was a little surprised how much a man's actions with his mate stirred everyone up. To be honest I probably would not unbind my mate's hair at the main fires .. but by the Sky if I was so inclined I would lift her skirt and bend her over the furs and have every right to expose her taking to whomever hung around to watch. My opinion of course. Not necessarily shared by the populace at large. And that is all right too. I think the point is that a man will and should be able to do whatever he is inclined to do with his own woman. And if he is ready to handle the headache that will follow .. give him some room to be a man.
Now I will admit it is not always easy to think of T'zuri as a child. She is much older than an unringed woman should be. All filled out in the right places. But There is a wall there. So why could I jump the wall .. seemingly ... and threaten to rape her? That is a subject all in itself and one I will be happy to take up in a more private setting. But all the answers are there if you know me at all. Think about it.
To sum up. I am rather proud of her. She was all female and never once crossed any lines of propriety. I can safely say her innocence is intact for I saw the fear in her eyes when she knew how serious I was. I watched her steps fly from me and her skirt snap in the action. I waited long after she was out of sight to let the chuckle escape me. I think T'zuri has a lot of thoughts that are worth hearing and I will be more than pleased to get to know her ... when her ring is placed.
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