The Slave sosa

Now .. I have my opinions and my understanding of sosa. Perhaps it is different than some and perhaps it is the same as others. Now if I misunderstand sosa .. it is her responsibility to give me something else to go on so that I can better understand sosa. Just like every other lazy human I am not going to seek for and work on something I do not even realize I need to seek or work on.
So this is pretty much what I told her in regards to others. If their understandings of her were correct then she needed to change herself if she wished to please them. If their understanding was incorrect she needed to help them understand who she really was. In either case it was her responsibility to reveal something different about herself. But only if she were motivated to be pleasing. Now I do not expect every slave to please every person. But it should be a thing they strive to do. Sosa has been banned from the fires when Kam or Chay are around. Mostly because I find the ensuing drama unpleasant and distracting. That severely limits her times for serving. It limits her time to serve those she has come to care for. I also know she has displeased a few others and this also limits her in her service. These free people are not going to strive to get along with sosa. Why should they? She is a slave .. they do not care whether or not she is there to serve. They do not miss her. It is she who misses the chance to be there with everyone .. so thus it is her responsibility to attempt to change how people feel. Either that or settle with serving those she can and does please with her service and let go of the other. I would find no problem with either choice. Though my opinion is not the one that will in the end dictate her actions. That opinion would belong to Kaioba.
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