For Every Tit .. There is a Tat

I told Garyx to get me a report on exactly what had happened. To use his tracking skills to tell me the story. There is always a story. I told Saresh to make sure Silken and T'zuri made it back to camp. And to watch for any other larl .. sometimes they are not alone. T'zuri was unconscious I am not sure if she fainted or if Silken helped her into blessed darkness. Either way it is good. She did not belong out here in the first place .. neither did Silken. Women.
I led the kaiila and carried the saddle as I walked back to the Harigga. We both limped a little .. it was amusing. Both of us were covered in blood .. literally covered ... and there was no way I intended on being out here on the plains after dark. Sure death sentence. I led out with a good stride sucking up the pain in my thigh .. that pain was going to be the least of my worries.
I missed my lance .. broken to splinters by the kaiila and larl. I wanted it with me even though I had my sheath of quiva over my shoulder. Still only six. But for kaiila I can say I was very pleased to have this beast of Sajek's at my side. The kaiila had showed great courage and training. He was as good as my own and I felt no loss even having sent Silken back with Rocca.
It was the kaiila that alerted me first. Ever watchful for reactions I felt him bunch up and balk. I turned to watch his ears .. his fangs. His body language. If it had been another kaiila he would have probably called to it .. if it had been a man it would have been another reaction entirely. If it had been tabuk or kailiauk he would have been eager for prey .. but he was worried .. uneasy. This was a larl. Just what I needed. And then I saw him. A young larl .. but big as sin and just as mean. What was incredible was he was just watching me. Not scared .. not attacking. Eyes in the grass just watching. Curious .. as if he wished to learn of me. It spooked me and I do not spook so easy. I stared at him for a long time .. the two of us just looking at each other's eyes. Something about this young male was different. Something behind the eyes. Neither man nor beast were ready to take on this big cat. The strength in his shoulders amazed even me. A twin image of the larl that the kaiila had killed. I am not sure how long the two of us just watched each other. Then I heard another larl call and this one rose and walked quietly away. I turned and headed towards camp. I did not run .. I kept walking. Not that I could have run anyway. But I can say by the time the Harigga came into view I was more than pleased to see it.
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