of Raids and Wagers

As I drew near I saw to my right a man .. bloody and beaten standing before two Tuchuk warriors. But in his hand he held a scythe and he looked like he could use it. As I watched one of the outriders charged the man and sliced his ear with a delicate flick of the lance. The man did not flinch or show any sign of fear or pain. I watched as they spear gambled for the right to kill this brave man. I was proud. But I did not get to watch how it turned out for from my left one of my men came riding hard and fast and reined in with a scream from his kaiila. He beckoned me to follow him. I set Kai around to follow the warrior and he took me to a small house on the edge of the village. It was a macabre scene .. even for one such as I. It was hard to tell without counting how many bodies had contributed to the parts which lay strewn around the yard. Dwellers turned into a nameless blood bath. But .. that did not explain why I was here and I said this to the outrider. He shook his head at me and explained that he .. we ... had not done this. How very odd .. I was still trying to get my head wrapped around that one when I heard an enraged scream from the house and one of the Ubar's guards came running out ducking a flying teapot just in time. That sent me off into a riot of laughter and I slapped my thigh as I tried to catch my breath. He just glared at me. I called out to him and asked him if some little female had gotten the best of him. He told me to go see for myself. Well the other outrider wanted to see if there was any loot for himself also and of course I had to go see this daemon woman.
I got just inside the door before my own fear of walls drew me up short. My gaze took a moment to adjust to the shadowed interior of the small one room cottage. That is when I saw her. A tiny little girl child with honey gold hair the biggest greenest eyes beneath the Sky. She was just sitting there. All alone. With a doll. Just like Ani. I felt the impact hit my chest like someone hefted an axle through my ribcage.
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