Saturday, October 20, 2007

Little Treasures

Treasure. It can be defined in so many beautiful stimulating and erotic ways. This was none of those ways. It did not involve gold or grass or bosk or diamonds or that sweet tender edible spot on a woman that has nothing at all to do with her personality.

No .. this treasure was a pain in my ass... literally. And I know it was not date that stashed it. At least I do not think so. I will have to think about that one .. but ... I do not really believe so.

So how it got there I have no idea. Why it is there I can not say. Where it is now I can certainly vouch for.

Later I was sitting on my steps repairing some gear when Sakmeta came and wanted to speak to me. We spoke briefly of Cana and that Cana had told her she wanted Sakmeta to think of her as a sister. I told Sakmeta she could find no better woman to be concerned about her welfare. Then she asked me if I had idle conversation often. I had to chuckle. It is true that usually when someone asks to speak to me it is about something. Concerning something specific and that I rarely have idle conversations. I am not sure if that is because most people think I am busy .. or if I am just not a person that has idle conversations. It amused me though a little. It is something I have been toying with in my thoughts .. the whys and wherefores.

That night I fingered the little piece of metal that someone had valued enough to hide. A slight pang .. it was something Ani would have done. But Ani was not here .. Ani was dead. Right?


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