More Ties .. that Bind

Now .. when and if they come to me with it ... I will of course explain that to each and every one of them. But that is not something I expect to happen. All that lack of faith again.
I was washing out my road rash at the stream after being chased from the fires by T'zuri.. was it guilt that brought her later? Or perhaps just sadistic pleasure in making sure I took care of myself? Who knows .. I did not ask her that. We spoke .. the easy conversations we have come to fall into. Well that is until I asked her about the Kassar. She wondered how I knew of it. Now of course there are several Kataii .. Kassar .. and Paravaci that for whatever reason travel with us at various times. Just as I am sure there is a Tuchuk here or there in their camps. Nothing to take too much notice of .. unless it is at the main fires .. under my own nose. Then I will ask of it .. which I did. It seems he is an unwelcome visitor which means I may have to deal with it myself .. but as long as Maeda wishes him there it will be between her and I ... not T'zuri. Chay came by and I can tell she does not think much of the young Singer by the way she ignored T'zuri. But that is Chay and I am usually more surprised when she does like someone than when she does not. Falon and Kai joined us later. Falon told me to ignore Chay's moods for she is pregnant which .. I can not say I ignore her but I do not take her likes or dislikes personally. I know I cause enough ripples in that family I have no desire to cause more. There was laughter and teasing about hair braiding and Falon offered to show me how to do a four strand braid with hair. I made sure she did not mean me braiding anyone's hair for that would just be a disaster. Kai teased me about the "big bad warrior" afraid of women's hair. I told her damn strait .. chances are I will put my hand in it and it will all fall out. They seemed to think it was due to me dragging women around by it .. probably a lot of truth in that. I do tend to be a bit rough. Perhaps I will practice on raven.
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