Sharper the Sting .. The Sweeter the Honey

Perhaps I am prejudiced. It was honey after all.
I got my very own jar and proceeded to decimate it myself and I did not share a bit of it with anyone. Well .. that is not true. Patch got some. Of course I think he left more on my pant legs than he did inside his belly. But a kid has to start somewhere.
Patch seems to be good for Ina .. as I am sure Tarra predicted when she suggested the match. I did have to remind Ina that it was better to ask a man to help her with such a climb as she attempted on her wagon than to risk her own life which was not her's any more. And I was not speaking of the claim Oson has on her .. but the claim that is held by Patch. Who would take care of Patch? Was it fair to risk the loss of yet another parent? That said .. we all do things we think is necessary when the great grand picture of it is that we are not asking the help of those we chastise when they do not ask our help. It is a lesson we all need to learn .. not just Ina.
I was very pleased to find a pouch of honeyed nuts and three more jars of honey left to me. Cana knows how to take care of me that's for sure. I am very thankful. I actually had enough honey that I could not eat it all in one day. That has never happened to me before. I actually made myself a little sick I think. Damn that felt good.
A fine and pleasant misery .. indeed.
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