Move - Day One

The day started long before the Central Fire blew itself in golds and pinks all over the Sky. Many ahn before that happened the bosk were being set into their yokes and the harnesses untangled.
When the Central Fire did make an appearance the drums sounded and the great herd was put into motion. The creak and groan of the wagons not far behind as the entire camp slid into a great mass of forward motion.
I took a break and rode in towards the wagons and came upon Tarra and Falon and Kam. I spoke with them for a time and then Baal and Ran showed up shoving themselves directly up my ass. So I asked Kam if he could spare them from the guard to do a little task I had for them. Kam said of course. I was thankful as I should be.
So I fell back with Baal and Ran and I told them about this Kassar who was part of the camp but new to hanging around the First Wagons and how I wanted him watched. Now this just fed their little suspicions and they ate it up like hungry outriders. They were off after that Kassar like sleen on an escaped slave and I watched them go quite pleased with myself for killing two birds with one little stone. That aught to keep them busy and out of my way and I actually did want the Kassar shadowed.
Now Kam was watching me sideways but he let me deal with my own business and I was grateful. I still had nothing intelligent to say about the entire thing. Falon was in a good mood and Tarra was bothered about something behind us and Kam was not a morning person and Cana was stealing Jhin's grass hat while he gave us a good beat to match with our steps.
All in all it was a rather excellent beginning to the move. We only had one minor fire when a woman forgot to put the coals out in her copper bowl and three broken wheels and one snapped axle. Not a bad morning ... all things considered.
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