Rain on my Parade

Rain. The last thing we needed. Not just a pitter patter of musical drops but a deluge. The Sky just ripped open and poured itself down on us in liquid form. Sheets of water that blinded and drowned nearly as much as the wind driven dust. In the last vestiges of the wind there were times the sheets were vertical and there was very little that did not get wet. By the next day the rain had settled into a steady pour that kept on pouring even after the ground was choking full. There was no where else for the water to go so it just started piling up in pools and puddles making thick soupy mud everywhere. Our stores of chips were ruined .. only a few dry supplies were left and sparingly used for fires. We ate cold wet food .. we sat in the cold and wet .. we slept in the cold and wet .. we lived in the cold and wet until there did not seem to be another way. Had it always been cold and wet? Would our great grass ships become great water boats? Would we drown or grow gills to survive? What had not been blown away was now damp .. and that included our spirits.
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