Blow Me

I was riding Kai .. and glad of it for the bulky beast did not seem to falter even with the worst of the wind. I could not see or hear by the time I pulled him down to his knees and I fell protected by his body. I could not hear save the insane screaming of the wind all around me as I shoved my head between my knees and rested my forehead against the smooth silk bulk of his hide. It felt like millions of tiny needles stripping my back of all flesh even beneath the leather vest as it crested over my saddle and tried to rip me from the safety of Kai's side. After a while I grew numb to it.
Even with the wailing and crying of the wind in my ears I found myself in my thoughts. Deep within where the screaming did not reach. I thought of those riders who .. without thought ... spurred their kaiila to the camp. Some loved one ... some possession that drove them to protect. My first thought had been the bosk. The parameter. The first line of defense. Was that because I was alone? I was worried for my friends and Tuchuk family at the Harigga. But I was worried for them as a collective. What would it be like to have someone special that I thought of even over the bosk? Would I ever have that? Or was I the type of person to think of the bosk first. Always. Would that change if I had a mate? Would it change if I had a child? Or was this who I was despite what life might bring me later?
I did not have answers to these internal questions. It felt natural to me to be there .. alone with the bosk and my kaiila. It felt good to know that I was in control of that line of defense. That the bosk would not break without my knowledge.
I am not sure how long the wind blew and screamed around me. I think it stopped several moments before I even realized it. Perhaps it was the movement of Kai beneath my forehead ... I blinked and lifted my head .. dust and bits of grass fell away from my head and shoulders.. I was nearly buried in it. But there was work to be done and I dug out to swing into the saddle and dig in.
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